Friday, January 17, 2014

Paranthe wali Galli,Hindi Bollywood Film Movie review, Johnson Thomas, Rating: * *

Hindi Film review
Johnson Thomas

Film: Paranthe wali Galli

Paranthe wali galli movie review: Galli theatre minus the credibility

Cast: Anuj Saxena, Neha Pawar, Mohinder Gujral, Himanshu Thakkar, Yuvraj
Director: Sachin Gupta

Rating: *  *

Produced and Directed by Award winning playwright and theatre director, Sachin Gupta, this film manages to get the milieu and the settings right but the content and performances are nowhere close.

For those who love Delhi and it’s street-food sub-culture , this film will is likely to tickle their taste-buds aplenty. The constant references to various varieties of stuffed paranthas and achars will in all probability make you salivate. But the same is not true of the dismal drama fashioned on the wings of a witless premise.
 The film takes the viewer on a journey through Delhi’s most famous bylanes- Dariba Kalan, Kinari Bazaar and Khari Bawri and is based largely in the most famous food-lane of Delhi – Paranthe Wali Gali.  A theatre group led by Maulik(Anuj Saxena) practices there. The story also encompasses a typically loud punjaban, Naina Kaur(Neha Pawar) who runs her own catering business, delivering delicious  paranthas to her clients. She of course, dreams of having her own shop in Paranthe Waali Gali.
The film appears totally bereft of a script and for most of it’s run-time meanders between loud, coarse histrionics devoid of legitimate reason and un-enlivening distention which tends to tedium. Neha Pawar epitomizes that illogical loudness with a performance that irritates while TV star Anuj Saxena is so lackluster and lacking in verbal clarity that it all becomes disheartening. Add to that , the character of a elderly Punjabi housewife who runs a successful band-baja business and doesn’t hesitate to speak her mind - it makes for a great deal of sub-terrainean turmoil.
Nothing nurtured nothing gained and that’s the story about first time directors who have starry aspirations but fail to match it up with a strong, well-structured effort. Sachin Gupta may be great at theatre but his effort to create credible cinema is severely wanting.  There is little logic in the run of play and the sub-plots don’t really make any sense whatsoever. The recent run of north centered films coming in the wake of ‘Vicky Donor’  leaves a lot to be desired. PWG begs to be in the list of ones that couldn’t get it right- in terms of content!

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