#BarefootToGoa #HindiBollywoodFilmMovieReview #JohnsonThomas #Rating: * *
#PicksAndPiques/SnippetFilmReview 10thApril2015/#JohnsonThomas
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#EkPaheliLeela(Hindi) Rating: * * Sunny side up! The songs and #SunnyLeone are it’s USP. But the confused and misdirected narrative make it a pain to watch even for that! #UniversalCommunications #ParagDesai #TSeries #PaperdollEntertainment #BhushanKumar #BobbyKhan #JayBhanushali #RajneeshDuggal #JasArora #MohitAhlawat
#RahulDev #SarojKhan #AhmedKhan #AmaalMallik.
#BarefootToGoa(Hindi) Rating: * * A well intentioned expose on abandonment of the ageing.. but based on poor reasoning and constricted convictions. It’s a bud that doesn’t achieve full-bloom for it’s faulty characters and unclear motivations. #ParullGossain #PraveenMorchhale
#KuldeepSingh #SonuChourasia #FarrukhJaffer #PrakharMorchhale #SaaraNahar #AjayChourey #PurvaParag
#DharamSankatMein( Hindi) Rating: * * OMG not another one! There have been much better and more accomplished films on the hypocrisy that causes conflicts between religions. This one is too low brow, extremely contrived ,briefly humorous and has little to offer in terms of intelligent entertainment. #CrissCrossCommunications #RaindropMedia #FuwadKhan #PareshRawal #AnnuKapoor #NaseeruddinShah #Viacom18 #TrignomediaPvtLtd
#BrokenHorses(English) Rating: * * Too Indian in treatment to be true-blue Hollywood. Has all the obvious trappings of a westernised reconstruction of #VidhuVinodChopra’s cult hit ‘Parinda’ but minus the western sensibility. What it amounts to is overwrought, teary eyed men behaving like deranged misfits. Even the scale and scope of the production appears measly! Give me ‘Parinda’ any day. #VidhuVinodChopra #FoxStarFilms #HemanshuMestry #AbhijatJoshi #JasonRichman #VincentDOnofrio #AntonYelchin #ChrisMarquette #MariaVelverde #SeanPatrickFlanery #ThomasJane
#ItFollows( English) Rating: * * * ½ This most recent cult-horror hit is by Far the most stylish, atmospheric, creative and highly effective scare fest- the creepiest we have seen in a long time. Go for it! #MaikaMonroe #KeirGilchrist #OliviaLuccardi #JakeWeary
#DavidRobertMitchell #NorthernLights #AnimalKingdom #TwoFlints #VisitFilms
#Home(English/Animation) Rating: * * *At its heart, “Home” is really just a kids movie, and for that purpose it works well. Colorful imagery, cute aliens that look like marshmallows, modern pop soundtrack and potty humor, make it a family entertainer of sorts. Adults won’t feel at ‘Home’ here though! #FoxStarFilms #HemanshuMestry #ShrutiSundaram #JenniferLopez #JimParsons #MattJones #Rihanna #SteveMartin #TimJohnson #DreamWorks
Hindi Film Review
Johnson Thomas
Sincere but lacks credibility!
Film: Barefoot To Goa
Cast: Farukkha Jaffer, Purva Parag, Saara Nahar, Prakhar Morchhale, Kuldeep Dubey
Director: Praveen Morchhale
Rating: * *
Runtime: 80 minutes
This could have been a poignant tale of abandonment but the slip-shod treatment and lack of character motivation makes it merely another film attempting to shed light on new-age problem- without much success though.
An elderly deaf-mute woman(Farukkha Jaffer) visits the courier regularly to send her son (Kuldeep Dubey) and grandchildren (Saara Nahar and Prakhar Morchhale)their favorite laddoos and letters regarding the state of her health. But her shrew of a daughter-in-law (Purva Parag, playing true to stereotype) dumps the laddoos in the bin while she hides the unopened letters in her saree cupboard. The young daughter who is asked to do a project on her grandmother seeks her mother’s help but is disabused for it. And a chance foray into her mother’s cupboard reveals the hidden stash of unopened letters. Curious, the children pry open one –only to find that their grandmother is ailing and might not survive a possible critical ailment. Since they see no hopes of their mother turning a good leaf , they decide to board a train to Goa and possibly get her back to Mumbai for treatment and care. But fate and the scriptwriter/director have a different ending in store!
The story basically takes on an unbelievable track without much conviction. There’s no valid reason for the daughter-in-law to be depicted as shrewish and cruel while the kids venturing out on their own is a little too far-fetched. Also the kids not even knowing that their father is going off to Japan is a contrived convenience that cannot be easily overlooked. Performances are average at best. The short runtime is a definite blessing.
The film suits the children’s film category best, though it grapples with issues that are larger than those of small school kids—loss of ties with parents after marriage, lack of empathy towards the ill and ageing and contrasting hospitality of small townsfolk are some of the issues that come to the fore.
It’s all very well being influenced by Iranian cinema but to try and incorporate similar elements without working out the cultural manifestations is sheer foolhardiness in my book. Praveen Morchhale seems sincere in his efforts to portray the problems faced by the aged and ailing- unfortunately his good intentions did not translate into a good film!
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